Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 3

Some thoughts on part b) of this project:
  • Circulation - this can be divided into a few subcategories, such as the children's, guests and the father's circulating routes, or circular/linear movements.
  • Materials - The housekeeper says that the house is "all grey", however the house and its surroundings contain a rich range of materials, including glass, aluminium, steel, concrete and timber floorboards that create a diverse but modest colour plane. There is even the immateriality of the first level which creates an illusion of a floating top level.
  • Psychology - the father is in control of the elevator platform, giving him ultimate control of the house. It can be said that the design of the house reflect some extent of male domination.
  • Openings - the manipulation of openings in the house not only influences the views but also the lighting.
Rough plans of the part of the house I am going to model

Some opening studies

Week 2

While the Koolhaas states that "a machine was its heart", House Bordeaux is certainly more than a machine. The movement of the machine becomes a significant of circulation through the house, but the entire architectural promenade is more fascinating.

Week 1

Draft model attempting to show circulation in the Bordeaux House